
Why our institute is best

It was the deep desire of servent of God Msgr. Joseph C. Panjikaran, the founder of congregation of Medical Sisters of St. Joseph to reach out to the poor and marginalized with a goal to touch the humanity with a compassionate heart.

Out of his divine love and zeal, founded the Medical Sisters of St. Joseph in the year 1946, where healing ministry remains as the mean of establishing the kingdom of God

About Us

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Being a Nurse is an endless loving act of the heart.!

B. Sc Nursing (Full time)- (4 years)

Eligibility criteria

Indian Nursing Council. Kerala University of Health Sciences.

Pass in Plus two of the board of HSE of Kerala or equivalent with 50% marks in Biology separately and 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology put together Age minimum 17 years. Candidates shall be medically fit.

Aply Now

P. Basic B. Sc Nursing (Full time)- (2 years)

Eligibility criteria

A pass in pre degree/plus two exam with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects or equivalent recognized by any University in Kerala A diploma in general nursing and midwifery course approved by INC Registration in Kerala nurses and midwives council Candidates shall be medically fit

Aply Now


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Being a Nurse is an endless loving act of the heart.!

Sr. Sylvia MSJ


St. Joseph's College of Nursing

Tel : 0485 - 2827023

Dr. Sr. Renitha MSJ


St. Joseph's College of Nursing

Tel : 0485 - 2824308



St. Joseph's College of Nursing

Tel : 0485 - 2824308

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Being a Nurse is an endless loving act of the heart.!

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Being a Nurse is an endless loving act of the heart.!